The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – Ram Babu Gurung directed ‘Degree Maila’ is all set to hit the cinemas on Chaitra 30. Under his captainship the audiences are assured to watch an authentic, reality based cinema. The most awaited cinema ‘Degree Maila’ is expected to be entertaining, which it will be and it also will bear a message regarding education system and unemployment issues.
Degree Maila is a representative character of our society. The character portrayed by actor Dayahang Rai is educated, yet unemployed. This educated unemployment is the main plot of the cinema. One, the nation is unable to properly utilize the capable manpower and on the other hand the youths are frustrated as they don’t get the opportunity to cash their knowledge. The internal conflict of the educated mind is Degree Maila’s story.
Why should I settle for less! My degree should open doors for the best opportunities and lucrative salary; this demanding nature and the country’s condition is definitely a bitter pill to swallow. This is what the youths are facing and will for sure relate with the cinema.
Produced under the banner of Baasuri Films, the cinema is based on the popular drama Degree Maila. Dayahang Rai had played the protagonist in the drama and had also directed the play. The cinema talks about the educated unemployment issues among the youths of the nation. The story is pertinent in today’s time as there are many educated youths without jobs left with a degree in hand.
The cinema is produced by Bishal Gurung, Mani Ram Pokhrel, Madhu Mijar and Sushma Gurung with Krishh Lama as executive producer. Other crews include Shiva Ram Shrestha and Riley H. Shen as cinematographer, Nimesh Shrestha as editor, Rohit Shakya in background music.