The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – SRK shared the trailer of ‘Pathaan’ and wrote, “Mehemaan nawaazi ke liye #Pathaan aa raha hai, aur pataakhen bhi saath laa raha hai! #PathaanTrailer out now! Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on 25th January 2023.”
Finally the much awaited trailer of Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham actioner ‘Pathaan’ is here. Loaded with action, bloodshed and the actors’ charisma, the anticipation for the cinema is at its peak. John looks perfect as the antagonist and Deepika gives a glimpse of hot and bold avatar with her attitude. The trailer of Pathaan is loaded with patriotism, dialogues, action and scale.
SRK returned to the leading role after a gap of four years. And what a comeback he has made. He portrays the role of a spy with a license to kill in the action thriller. ‘Pathaan’ is a part of Yash Raj Films’ ambitious spy universe. ‘Pathaan’ revolves around SRK taking on the ominous villain played by John, who is hell bent on ripping apart India’s security apparatus. Deepika is presented as a soldier helping Pathaan in his mission.
The cinema also features a cameo from Salman Khan. But, he is not a part of the trailer. They don’t wish to give any hints, as the idea is to create euphoria of the next level in cinema halls with Salman’s sudden big screen appearance. And his track is not a blink and miss cameo but a proper 15-20 minutes long action sequence.
Even before its trailer release, ‘Pathaan’ tops the list of the most anticipated Indian cinemas of 2023. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, ‘Pathaan’ hits the theatres on January 25, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.