The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – The latest released song titled ‘Hari Naam Jhai’ from the cinema ‘Tel Visa’ has struck a chord with the audiences. The soulful and socially conscious music sheds light on the emotional and often overlooked journey of Nepali mothers who leave their homeland to look after their grandchildren abroad.
Nishan Bhattarai and Sameera Thapaliya’s soulful voice, lyrics written with sensitivity and insight by Harka Saud in Kalyan Singh’s music is heartwarming yet poignant. The cinema features Bipin Karki in double roles, Barsha Raut, Richa Ghimire, Buddhi Tamang, Pooja Chand, Frances Sherman, Jack Bell, Suchitra Uprety and others.
In Nepal, family bonds run deep and it is common for grandparents to help in raising younger generation. However, as more Nepali families migrate abroad, many mothers are left with a difficult choice to stay behind or follow their children in foreign land. The song highlights this story of love, sacrifice and separation.
Tel Visa’s new song delves into this narrative, depicting the challenges these women face as they leave behind their own homes, communities and familiar surroundings. The video resonates with many and the scene where the mother is put behind bars tells about the unspoken sacrifices made by these mothers.
The cinema is produced by Anil Pandey and ShivRaj Karki with Prince Yubraaj Karki and Shruti Dahal as executive producers. The crew includes Sushan Prajapati as DOP, Anjay Khadka as editor, Ramji Lamichhane and Shishir Khati as choreographer.
More than just a cinema, Tel Visa is a reflection of a significant social issue that has become increasingly common in Nepal. Written and directed by Shankar Ghimire, the cinema releases on Mangsir 7.