The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – After proving himself as an actor Khagendra Lamichhane has put forward his directorial skills; ‘Pani Photo’ is his debut as a feature cinema director. Menuka Pradhan proves herself again that she is an acting powerhouse and can merge herself so well into the character. Actor Anup Baral, another gem that Nepali cinema sector is yet to recognize. It is the acting and well written script that makes ‘Pani Photo’ a must-watch.
One thing that can be assured in ‘Pani Photo’ is natural acting. The audiences will not witness a second of fake accents or forced performances. The story flows like it’s not just a cinema but a story of our own. The trailer of the cinema ‘Pani Photo’ promises a well executed tale. The audiences have showered love after the trailer release.
‘Pani Photo’ tells the story of parents waiting for their son who went missing during the Maoist People’s war. Lamichhane had staged the same story at Gurukul Theatre as a famous drama. He has converted the same play into a cinema. It was his dream to bring the drama to the silver screen and as he puts it dream has no answer, no logic per se just a dream to deliver a worthy story for the audiences.
The trailer presents the dejection, frustration, anguish, and fatigue of the parents desperate to meet their missing son, especially that of a mother. Menuka Pradhan proves herself again that she is an acting powerhouse and can merge herself so well into the character. Actor Anup Baral, another gem that Nepali cinema sector is yet to recognize. It is the acting and well written script that makes ‘Pani Photo’ a must-watch.
After proving himself as an actor and gaining the love and recognition from the audiences, Lamichhane has put forward his directorial skills, though he had already directed plays and dramas, ‘Pani Photo’ is his debut as a feature cinema director. The cinema is also written by Lamichhane himself. Writing is his passion, he says, his acting and direction are products of his writing skills. The success credit of Talakjung vs Tulke, Pashupati Prasad, Dhanapati and Damaruko Dandibiyo goes to his script writing skills.
Under the banner of Tukee Arts in association with Manjushree film production, ‘Pani Photo’ is produced by Rozina Sitaula and Ravindra Bajracharya. The cinema stars Khagendra Lamichhane, Sunil Pokhrel, Anup Baral, Menuka Pradhan, Prakash Ghimire, Kamal Mani Nepal, Malika Mahat and others. The cinema will be released on Shrawan 13.