The Cinema Times, Kathamandu – Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan ended his contract with pan masala brand ‘Kamala Pasand’ in October this year. The reason behind was the he wasn’t aware that it falls under surrogate advertising. The actor was requested to withdraw himself from the ad campaign by the National Anti-tobacco organization.
But even after terminating the contract with the brand, Kamala Pasand did not stop broadcasting the TV commercials featuring Bachchan. Therefore he sent a legal notice to the brand to immediately withdraw and to stop broadcasting the commercials.
Official statement stated that, “Kamala Pasand … a few days after the commercial was aired, Mr. Bachchan contacted the brand and stepped out of it last week. Upon checking why this sudden move – it was revealed that when Mr. Bachchan became associated with the brand, he wasn’t aware that it falls under surrogate advertising Mr. Bachchan has terminated the contract with the Brand, has written to them his termination and has returned the money received for the promotion.”
A letter was earlier addressed to Amitabh Bachchan and Shekhar Salkar, President National Organization For Tobacco Eradication. It stated that the pan masala affects the health of the citizens and Big B should withdraw from the campaign.