The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – After directing and producing Nepali movie ‘Dharmatma’, Yuvraj Lama had made a set back in Nepali film industry. Once a very active person in the film industry Yuvraj Lama has already produced and directed films like ‘Maan Mandir’, ‘Kanyadan’, Jiwan Shangarsha’, ‘Desh Pardesh’, ‘Maute Dai’, ‘Pratigya’, ‘Dulaha Raja Dulahi Rani’, ‘Khelauna’, ‘Goreto’ and other films. Also having acted in around two dozen movies he is also known for the character of ‘Nima’ from the movie ‘Deuta’.
During that time Lama also served as the member of National Sports Association. He has also invested in hotel and tourism business and now after one and half decades, he will make a come back in producing and directing Nepali movies.
On a Facebook post Lama mentioned that he will start his second innings in film directing and producing. He wrote, ‘Found a story, will start to write one liner from today. Thinking of writing screenplay and dialogues once done with the story. Due to different circumstances and responsibilities, I had halt my film journey in directing and producing. Now will try to start my second innings.’
Since the pandemic the film industry has taken a down fall. He believes his return in the industry would help uplift a bit to the Nepali film industry.
Best wishes to him.