The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- Age is just a number for mega star Rajesh Hamal, who turns 55 on Sunday. Mahanayak Hamal, who delivered numerous superhits cinemas like Basanti, Hami Teen Bhai, Deuta, Ek Number Ko Pakhey, Ajambari Nata, Je Bho Ramrai Bho and many others, turned 55 on June 9, Sunday.
His work diary is already spilling into 2019, but he remains firmly “not out”, continuing a glorious journey that has lasted over decades.
In an industry where roles are seldom written for stars, Hamal experimented with looks, characters and themes with an enthusiasm and passion like of a newcomer.
As he rings in his 55th birthday, Hamal wants no huge celebrations. He believes in a small and peaceful family time and quality time.