The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- Recently, it was reported that actress Shweta Khadka opted out of Surya Bohora’s Hello Jindagi. However, the reason why she left the cinema is known to everyone by now. The actress recently underwent a surgery which has made her physically weak and needs some time for rest.
A new report suggests, that the actress who had been associated with the project had put the cinema on standby and the makers kept waiting for Shweta to allot them dates. But now the Biranjana Entertentment has decided to go ahead with actress Priyanka Karki.
The decision to replace Shweta with Priyanka was apparently taken keeping in mind former’s health condition.
The cinema is penned by Surya Bohora himself who will be directing it while Shrijana Joshi will be producing it. Hello Jindagi will be made under the banner of Biranjana Entertentment.