The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- The trailer for Jai Shree Daam,, was released online on Friday. Starring a cast of Amrit Dhungana, Binod Neupane, Pramod Agrahari, Jebicca Karki, Rajan Khatiwada , the cinema is set to release on 4th January 2019.
At almost two minutes, the trailer offers little to tickle the audience. Amrit Dhungana plays a middle class boy, who is in love with a neighbourhood girl (Jebicca) and is fighting the society’s perception with the other lead Binod Neupane in a comical way.
Directed by Biplop Upreti, the comedy seems like a humour that can make a hit with audiences. We’ll have to wait and watch if the cinema can surpass hit at the box office.