The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan shared a series of pictures from a family trip in which his ex-wife Sussanne Khan can be seen taking his pictures with their two boys that is their son, Hrehaan and Hridaan.
“It tells a story to our kids. That in a world separated by lines and ideas, it is still possible to be united. And that you can want different things as people and yet stay undivided. Here’s to a more united, tolerant, brave, open and loving world. It all starts at home,” the 44-year-old actor noted.
However, the two have stayed friends and their latest pictures of a family vacation from Dubai are a proof of that. Hrithik and Sussanne can be seen having some beach fun with sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan and the family pic is beauty itself.