The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- Bipin Karki recently had an injury to his leg during an accident while he was rushing for the shoot of his upcoming ‘Jatrai Jatra’.
The cinema scheduled shoot with Bipin Karki reportedly has been affected for a while. Based on latest reports doing the rounds, the actor will resume the shoot almost after 3 weeks.
The injury, however, will not stop the actor from continuing filming his next, which is being directed by Pradip Bhattarai. According to reports, the doctor has advised him to rest for 3 weeks after which , the makers decided to shoot rest of the sequences of the cinema otherwise, keeping in mind the release date.
The actor will soon begin shoot for the sequel of Jatra which also stars Barsha Raut, Rabindra Jha, Rabindra Singh Baniya and Dayahang Rai in a special role.
The cinema is slated to release all over Nepal in 1st of March.