The Cinema Times, Kathmndu- After Swastima Khadka walked out of Maha Jodi’s project ‘Daal Bhaat Tarkari’ directed by Sudan KC, Aanchal Sharma has been signed on to play Swastima’s role in the cinema.
According to the reports, Kiran KC clarified that Swastima walked out of the multi-starrer cinema because of her shooting schedules that would have otherwise clashed with her other project Bikash Raj Acharya’s ‘Hajar Juni Samma’.
He further added that the actress took the decision on time so that the shooting of both the cinemas were not hampered.
The team will begin to shoot for the cinema from Mangsir.
The cinema will also feature Niruta Singh, Priyanka Karki, Pushpa Khadka, Barsha Raut, Anurag Man Singh Kunwar, Rajaram Poudel, Shiva Hari Poudel including Maha Jodi Hari Bansha Acharya and Madan Krishna Shrestha.