The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has made a statement against Hrithik Roshan again. While answering to questions around harassment allegations against director Vikas Bahl, Kangana called out Hrithik and said,” married men who lure young beautiful girls with the promise of marriage and later try to prove them mad are also harassers and should be treated as such.”
She said, “Whatever is happening with Vikas Bahl is absolutely correct. There are many people like Vikas Bahl, he is not the only one. We still have a lot of work to do it so we should not start the celebrations as yet. We have a long way to go. There are married men keep their wives as trophies and keep young girls as their mistresses like Hrithik. They lure young beautiful girls with the promise of marriage and later try to prove them mad. They should be boycotted.”
Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan had been in the news for quite some time last year when the actress alleged that he had had a relationship with her.