The Cinema Times, Kathmandu- ‘Sunkesari’ released on Friday has cut the cake in happiness of collecting over 1 crore gross. Actress/producer Reecha Sharma on Tuesday cut the cake at Kumari hall and share with director Arpan Thapa. According to the claims of Reecha, cinema has earned 1 crore 4 lakh coming to 5th day of release. Horror genre cinema started with enthusiast opening in box office was made with budget of 1 crore 30 lakh. It is the first Nepali cinema to enter in crore club.
Reecha cutting cake stated that ‘Sunkesari 2’ will be release by 2020. ‘Sunkesari 2’ was earlier announced at premier by Reecha. The story has been completed in second series. Reecha and Arpan are determined to work out in mistakes of ‘Sunkesari’ after getting mixed feedback from audiences. Sunny Dhakal, Lauren Lofberg and Rabindra Jha are also in key roles with Reecha.
Bhim Neupane and Sharmila Sapkota has joint Reecha in production. Ian Scott Clement is in edit with Raha Sharma cinematography. Music is being helmed by Kaliprsad Baskota and Bijaya Adhikari.