The Cinema Times, Kathmandu – Rishi Dhamala wife Aliza Gautam is making debut as an actress and producer in Cinema Industry from ‘Anurag’. Recently a song got launched from the cinema, where we can see Aliza’s hot and happening dance with Saroj Adhikari from Cartoonz Crew. Song is basically a club mood song with title of ‘Kancha Dai’.
This happening song is sung by Tara Prakash Limbu and Mamata Gurung. Singer Tara Prakash Limbu is also behind the music of the song and again singer Mamata Gurung is in lyrics. The arrangement is of Uday Raj Poudel. Vikram Swar definitely has done great effort in the choreography.
Cinema produced by Bharat Gautam and Gita Bhetwal is a musical love story cinema. Aliza and Deepak Ghimire are in lead role including main role of Samundra Pandit, Thilen Lama, Saroj Khanal, Rupa Rana, Rajaram Poudel, Shishir Rana Mohan Niraula, Bishwo Basnet and many more under the banner of Arika Films.