Watch: New video from GAJALU looks colorful

Watch: New video from GAJALU looks colorful

The Cinema Times

The Cinema Times,

Upcoming flick GAJALU has released their new song. The colorful song titled RANG RANGA has been sang by Sivani Moktan and written/composed by Jain J.

The new song features all lead characters from the movie. Rang Ranga features Anmol Kc, Shristi Shrestha, Gaurav Pahari, Salon Basnet, Menuka Pradhan and Ritik Shahi.

GAJALU‘s countdown has already begun and is set to hit screens from 10th of June 2016. Rohit Adhikari produced cinema is busy in the movie promotions.

Hem Raj Bc‘s latest offering GAJALU was recently premiered at London where the movie received good responses. Teenage star Anmol Kc and former Miss Nepal Shristi Shrestha is said to be the main reason for GAJALU to be an awaited cinema of the year.

Watch the video:


