Call For New Batch of Young Cuts! The Accountability Film-School

Call For New Batch of Young Cuts! The Accountability Film-School

The Cinema Times

Narayan Pradhan

Onion films established in 2010, aims to provide a platform for people who love, support & make movies. The organization seeks to create a vibrant and thriving network of filmmakers who make, watch and share films with each other. Young cuts! the accountability film school is a 20 days filmmaking workshop initiated with an objective of engaging youths for telling accountability stories Audio-visuals can be powerful medium for spreading ideas, changing perceptions, telling the untold stories of corruption in our society, and making citizens and power-holders more accountable.

Onions Films
Onion Films announced its new batch for young cuts! accountability film-making workshop. With the objective of “engaging youth for telling accountability stories”, Onion Films and Accountability Lab have jointly announced the Young Cuts! – a twenty-day film-making workshop totally designed for beginners and young people.

This workshop has been set into two parts. The workshop is open for all young and aspiring film-makers between the age of 18-30.

Application Submission Process
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