“Seto Baag” will be premiered in Australia’s Melbourne City whose release in Nepal has not yet been decided. As per the information provided by organizer of Namaste Nepal News and Television Sabin Jung Thapa, there will be red carpet premier coming November 7 at Melbourne’s Village Cinema.
On kartik 22 there will be the program. After the ending of the first day show, in the same hall there will be the regular show for the public informed organizer.
From Nepal to participate in premier Mrs Usha along with Director Nir Shah and other director Ganendra Deuja will be flying Australia. Looking after the management of the movie, director Deuja said along with the premier we should make the regular show successful.
“As like the public release of cinema in Nepal, “Seto Baag” will be released in same way in Australia” said Deuja. According to him as the show finishes in Australia soon it will also be released in America’s different cities.
In historical novel of Diamond Shumsher Rana “Seto Baag”, he has presented the story of last 30 days of Junga Bahadur Rana.